February 6, 2011

Laney: first day: gesture? [01/27/11]

First day of class for me. Second day for the this course, but first day to draw for everyone.

I got lost... on campus... I didn't know what AC stood for so I asked someone where AC 125 was, but they said it was the same as Building A, which wasn't right because I was already there. I finally went to the library and asked where AC was and I went to the same area but further and finally reached the Arts Center [AC!] DUR!

In class, an older Chinese man [younger than my dad I think] was very friendly and helped me answer some of my questions like who is the teacher. He offered me a seat next to him, which was very cool.

For art instruction, I don't remember receiving any real instruction from Gordon, our instructor. I think we just drew however we knew... It's weird how I don't remember. He did talk, but not really about h0w to draw.

20 minute sketches:
I remembered that she moved and thought that it was a 10 minute sketch with slightly different pose, but in fact, it was the same pose for the full 20. I drew two and Gordon thought it was pretty cool. I think he said it was nice.

We had bagels that day [I'm assuming everyday since the girl has been bringing them in every class now] and my mouth was full while he made that comment over my shoulder.

20 minute pose: last of the day.
I drew too big and ended up only with the top half of her body. I will need to plan everything out in the future before drawing.
My sister called towards the conclusion of this pose and I didn't finish as much as I wanted, but overall it is still pretty good in my eyes.

All my sketches are with the model facing the left is because I was sitting to the right of her... like way to the right of the semi circle.

Now I know why Andrei always says that he wants to go to class early to get a seat. Angles are everything especially in this class!

Medium: Vine Charcoal and Compressed Charcoal - Soft

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