February 6, 2011

Contour [02/01/11]

Introduction to contour drawing, which I thought was pretty simple and somewhat boring. But this is a such a useful skill and foundation to drawing human figures.

Basically, following the edges of the model while moving the pencil on paper to "trace" what you see apparently fixes many of the problems encountered while drawing. Eyes must always stay on the model the whole time and never to the paper until it is finished. The drawing will look out of proportion, but we will concern ourselves with that later.

I got my lines to line up on the third try and it was almost perfect! Then somehow my proportions got more off. I experimented with starting at different point of the model, but that seemed unnatural to me since counter clockwise starting from the head is what I am used to for some reason.

I overheard that Gordon uses this technique every time he starts drawing a model. It makes sense because you are concentrating all your focus on the model several times, so when you start to draw, you'll remember some of the positions in relation to each other.

In other news, I had a horrible time looking for parking and was late for 20 minutes. That's what I get when I leave the house half an hour before class starts.

Medium: Graphite Pencil - 2B

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