March 30, 2011

Modeling: Mass [03/29/11]

1 minute

This model was the one from the very first few class sessions. Why is she back with her sameness? We did 20 one minute poses, which went by real quick and concentrated more on getting the structure as quick as possible using gesture drawings.

2 minute

Today was the first day to the introduction of modeling.

We learned about mass, which gives weight to drawings, so we darkened the figure to come up with more 3D shapes since lighting can flatten a drawing.

10 minute

Our first exercise allowed us to use our charcoal sticks to draw the parts furthest away from us the darkest and slowly lighten our way towards the center until we find another edge.

I kept on thinking that mine looked like a cheetah or some sort of cat. Andrei said it looked like reptile skin.

20 minute

This turned out pretty good since I could feel the 3D roundness coming about.

Supposed to be 1 hour, but did two twenties instead

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