March 27, 2011

Critique Day [03/24/11]

We had critique today, so we were to bring 3 drawings that we did from this class to have Gordon critique and comment on.

I decided to bring these three out of all of them. It wasn't that hard to choose. I wanted to bring Tyler since he was the best male drawing and I chose Julie because that was my first long pose and it was pretty good overall. The third one was a last minute decision because I didn't want all of them to look finished and this one had pretty good composition with foreshortening and contour lines.

He called my drawings "accomplished", which felt good to hear since that was the first thing that came out of his mouth. Most of the things he said were positive, re-emphasizing the lessons we learned and mentioning future lessons to come.

This was a very good first critique, because I got to experience something different and took lots of mental notes on everyone's critique as well. We have a lot to learn from this critiques.

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